First child from Bolivia treated by Chain of HopeFirst child from Bolivia treated by Chain of Hope

First child from Bolivia treated by Chain of Hope

17th June 2019

Chain of Hope treated our first patient from Bolivia, 5-year-old Adrian in May.

Adrian was operated on by Professor Sir Magdi Yacoub and the team at...

Category: Children

US $5 million dedicated paediatric cardiac unit open in JamaicaUS $5 million dedicated paediatric cardiac unit open in JamaicaUS $5 million dedicated paediatric cardiac unit open in Jamaica

US $5 million dedicated paediatric cardiac unit open in Jamaica

3rd May 2019

On 15 April Chain of Hope joined partners in Jamaica to officially open the US $5million dedicated paediatric cardiac unit at the Bustamante Hospital...

Category: Press

Give Hope to a Mother

Give Hope to a Mother

4th April 2019

More mothers around the world like Charmaine, are waiting to have renewed hope with their child who is suffering from heart disease. We can help them life a longer and happier life with your help.

Category: Videos

Chain of Hope Gala Ball 2018

Chain of Hope Gala Ball 2018

29th March 2019

A star-studded evening raising over £2 million for children suffering from heart disease around the world. The Chain of Hope Gala Ball 2018 at Old...

Categories: Videos, Events

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