16th July 2015
Today I embarked on a long haul flight to Montego Bay with our President and Founder Professor Sir Magdi Yacoub, OM, on our way to the Caribbean Cardiac Society where Sir Magdi will speak of his vision for a cardiac centre based in Jamaica for the Caribbean... My hopes for a few hours of sleep needed to recover from the British 10k at the weekend were of course thwarted by Prof, who was characteristically full of energy for the entire 10 hours, wanting a discussion on the status of the new building, what is causing the delays, and when we can expect to have the new cardiac theatre up and ready for action.
We were surprised to receive a phone call from Shaggy 'It Wasn't Me' Burrell just before take-off asking to meet with him and his donors on Friday night at Strawberry Hill to show our partnership in preparation for their Shaggy and Friends Fundraiser in January. After many years of working on this project with them, they never stop inspiring me – today’s call came from their honeymoon! Lovely to hear our partners are equally enrolled in the 'No Rest for the wicked' lifestyle!
Category: Press