Chain of Hope works in countries around the world to help provide treatment to children who would otherwise not survive. These emergency cases are referred to us by local physicians and if our Medical Board believe that we can help, arrangements are made to either fly the child to one of our partner hospitals for treatment, or to treat them on one of our medical missions. 

Your £8,500 donation pays for a £30,000 treatment

A donation of £8,500 will sponsor an individual child, providing life-saving surgery that would normally cost in excess of £30,000. This is because we work with surgeons who donate their time for free, and at hospitals that provide private and subsidised operating slots and treatment. We work hard to make your donation achieve as much as possible.

We have specialist teams ready to save lives; what we don’t always have is the funding to make this possible. If you would like to sponsor a child and give the gift of life today, please contact Emma on 020 7351 1978 or email

Find out more about our life saving operations.

Having not only donated but also met the child and waited through the operation with an anxious father from Iraq, I actually realised what it meant to give. Thankfully that operation was a success. But that feeling of waiting for the surgeon to come out with the news, and the prospect of having to explain to a father why his daughter has died when only hours before she was in his arms, is a feeling which will stay with me forever.

Anonymous Child Sponsor

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